​I want to warn you up front - virtually every single lottery system out there on the market is total junk, only a few systems are genuinely reputable winning systems. So be prepared for some very honest lottery system reviews. If you want to learn how to win the lottery games, then you must first learn which lottery systems are winning the lottery and which systems are misleading you with false advertising and hype!

    There are many lottery systems posing as real winning systems, but the honest truth is they are just money making gimmicks. The easiest way to tell a gimmick or potentially false system is to look at this check list, if the systems has any of these, it will almost for sure be a false system.

    ​​​ 1-Does the system give you a ridiculous win rate, anything higher than a 30% win rate is pulling your leg.

    ​ 2- Does the system give you to good to be true testimonials (most testimonials are fake)?

     3- Does the system show you winning lottery tickets that are out of focus or to small to actually see?
     4- Does the system allow affiliates to sell and promote it? Usually using a Click Bank sales page? (Click Bank is fine, it is the shady sellers who use the affiliates to sell there bogus hyped-up systems, only making money by sales not winning lottery games).

     5- Does the system offer a 60 Day Refund? Did you know when looked into almost every system offering a guaranteed 60 day refund did not honor it. This is a ploy used to pull in sales, how can a gambling system give a 60 day refund as every single person would just get a refund and the system would never actually sell. Never expect a refund from a gambling product, it's a clear sign of something wrong.​

     6- Does the system say it is created by a Math Professor, or Mathematics genius of some type? Many systems are using this ploy to make the system sound great and reputable, sadly every single system we investigated using this ploy was a fake!​ ​

    We will show you rock solid PROOF!! Of which lottery systems are real winning systems that real lottery winner are using and recommending. The only way to show and obtain real honest proof is by using a poll to get real votes from real people. Polls have anti cheat, cannot fake polls like testimonials, photo, or fake reviews. There were two best winning lottery systems polls taken, one in 2012 and again in 2013. See the official poll results below for the latest 2013 release, it will show you the honest true as to which systems are for, all you need to do is choose the one YOU like best and stick with it!

    One thing I would like to point out is, the best winning systems that were voted first place, second place and third place winning systems all do not allow affiliates to sell their system, what a surprise! This is again yet more proof​​ that real winning systems do not need affiliates to make money (just a gimmick) they actually win the lottery!!

    First Place Winning System - Lotto Guy Lottery System

    Second Place Winning System​ - Smart Play Lotto Wheels

    Third Place Winning System - Smart Luck​​

    All of these 3 top winning systems can be used for increasing your chances to win lottery games such as Californi​​a Lottery, Texas Lotto, New York Lottery, Powerball Lottery, Mega Millions, Pa Lottery, Illinois Lottery, Ohio Lottery, Florida Lottery, Colorado Lottery, Maryland Lottery, Michigan Lottery, OZ Lottery, UK Lotto, Lotto Max, Lotto 6/49, South African Lotto, and so on!

    ​​Since the release of this official poll results many review sites, blogs, websites, forums and so on are reporting it. If you play any Pick 5, Pick 6 or Pick 7 lotto game you need to use a winning lottery system (Lotto Strategy) or you simply will never get the winning success you so greatly are after, this is a solid proven FACT! To Win Big You Must Play Smart!


    If You Play The Lottery Play To win! You Must Use Real Winning Lottery Systems For Real Success!